According to numerology, how will the month of February be for your birth number – News India Live

Let us see how the month of February will be for you according to numerology:

Number 1 (Birth Number 1, 10, 19, 28)

There may be obstacles in work during this month due to financial problems. But don’t worry too much. Your hard work will definitely bear fruit. spend time with family.
Lucky number- 21
Lucky color- orange

Number 2 (Birth Number 2, 11, 20, 29)

Avahita will remain connected, you will be able to complete your work without any interruption. Financial situation will be good. Family life will be happy.
Lucky number- 11
Lucky color- brown

Number 3 (Birth Number 3, 12, 21, 30)

You will get new opportunities in the workplace. Your skills will be recognized, family life will be good. Financial situation will be good.
Lucky number- 19
Lucky color- green

Number 4 (Birth Number 4, 13, 22, 31)

You may feel that your partner is ignoring you, but if there is any difference of opinion between you then discuss it openly and resolve the matter.
Lucky number- 23
Lucky color- yellow

Number 5 (Birth Number 5, 14, 23)

Don’t trust anyone at this time. With your wisdom and advice from family members, you can convert your defeat into victory.
Lucky number- 9
Auspicious color – Saffron

Number 6 (Birth Number 6, 15, 24)

Your respect and honor will increase during this period. Family life will be good. This time is also favorable for professional life.
Lucky number- 16
Lucky color- blue

Number 7 (Birth Number 7, 16, 25)

This month you will get results according to your hard work. You will also get new opportunities which will make you financially strong. Your expenses may increase this month. Take care that there is no unnecessary expenditure. Be transparent in your relationships. This month will be good for you in terms of health.
Lucky number- 18
Lucky Color- Gray

Number 8 (8, 17, 26)

The month of February may be a bit difficult for you, you may be disappointed if the results are not as per your expectations. If you are thinking of starting some new work then this time is very good for you. Even if you are employed, you will get new opportunities. This month will be good for lovers, but you may feel sad if your expectations from your partner are not fulfilled. This month will be good for married people.
Lucky number- 6
Auspicious color- red

Number 9 (9, 18, 27)

Your work may be affected this month. Do not do any work in haste, if you do not control your anger then you may have to suffer bad consequences. This month you may get a chance to go on a romantic trip with your partner. In terms of health, this month will be better for you than last month.
Lucky number- 29
Lucky color- pink

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