Director of Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration appreciated the work of MRF Center

Director of Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration appreciated the work of MRF Center

Jagdalpur, 01 February (HS). Shriram Tarnikanti, Director of Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (Labsna), Mussoorie, reached Jagdalpur today on Thursday on his short stay. Commissioner Shyam Dhawade and Collector Vijay Dayaram met in the waiting room of the local airport. Director Tarnikanti praised the work of the MRF Center by discussing about the innovation of the district administration, MRF (Prosperity) Centre, tribal culture and tourist places. He also praised the picturesque place of Chitrakote tourist spot and congratulated the cleanliness system.

The Commissioner and Collector presented a memento of Bastar art made in wood to Director Tarnikanti. Apart from this, the Commissioner presented a set of books published by Bastar Area Tribal Development Authority for 06 societies to the Director. The Collector informed about the works and activities of MRF (Prosperity) Center and presented a jacket and book made from waste material. On this occasion, District Panchayat CEO Prakash Sarve, SDM Jagdalpur Bharat Kaushik, SDM Tokapal Subrata Pradhan and other officers were present.

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