Habit of eating quickly can be harmful for health, know its dangers

Habit of eating quickly can be harmful for health, know its dangers

Ayurveda recommends chewing each piece of food at least 32 times. Due to this, problems related to digestion like constipation, gas and acidity never bother us, but in this busy life, we do not even get time to eat.

New Delhi : In Ayurveda, it is advised to chew every piece of food at least 32 times. Due to this, problems related to digestion like constipation, gas and acidity never bother you, but in this busy life one should not eat food. Eating fast can harm health in many ways.

Disadvantages of eating too soon

food may get stuck in the throat

When we eat food quickly, we start swallowing instead of chewing. Due to this, food can get stuck in the throat and the person can even die. Also, when you do not chew food, your body does not get the nutrients present in it. Therefore, eat slowly while enjoying your food.

harmful to the digestive system

Due to eating food quickly, the saliva present in the mouth, which is necessary for digestion, is not able to do its work properly and when the food is not digested properly, problems like belching, flatulence and constipation are seen.

weight may increase

Many times, eating too fast does not fill your stomach properly and you feel hungry again and again, due to which you keep eating anything unhealthy. This may cause obesity.

There may be a problem of diabetes

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