ING Vs ENG Shubman Gill injured

Shubman Gill Injury Ind Vs Eng

India and England (Shubman Gill Injury) Ind Vs Eng ) Test series match is being played in Visakhapatnam. In the second match of the series, Shubman Gill played a brilliant inning and scored a century. The team had to face defeat in the first match. Due to which this match is being considered very important. Information about Team India’s best player Shubman Gill being injured in the match came to light. Due to which the Indian team has suffered a big blow.

Big blow to Indian team

Shubman Gill’s injury is surprising his fans. Now the question is when did Shubhman Gill get injured? When did he get injured, due to which it became difficult for him to come on the field? So let us tell you that he suffered this injury on the second day of this test when he was fielding. Gill got injured in the finger of his right hand, bearing the pain, he batted in the second innings and even scored a century, but was out of the field on the fourth day.

Also read: Ind Vs Eng: Team England achieved the target of 399 runs, Shubman’s century silenced the trolls.

This player entered the field in place of Gill

After Gill got injured on the field, now the question arises that if he gets injured then who is on the field in his place. Let us tell you that Sarfaraz Khan has replaced Shubman Gill. When Team India came on the field to target 399 runs on the fourth day of Visakhapatnam Test, Sarfaraz Khan came with it in place of Gill.

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