Mexico’s President accuses America of tarnishing his name in the media

Mexico City. Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Wednesday accused the US government of allowing his name to be tarnished in the media. Mexican and German media outlets reported that López Obrador’s 2006 presidential campaign received millions in financing from drug cartels.

The President dismissed her allegations as slander during his daily press conference. He said the allegations were likely spread by the US State Department or other government agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). “The DEA and other agencies get involved in such cases, especially when they are allowed to,” López Obrador told reporters at the National Palace in Mexico City.

“Agencies have a lot of influence and journalism is also involved in this,” he said. He said he condemned the US government for allowing these practices as unethical and contrary to political morality. He said this type of mudslinging was expected as presidential election campaigns began in Mexico and the US.

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