New and beautiful designs of anklets for feet

Bichiya Designs: Married women are very fond of Bichiya, hence we have brought some new designs of Bichiya for you. See the new and beautiful designs of Bichiya, you can use them in any Teej, festival or any function. Can wear

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Bicchiya Designs

Bichiya Designs: If you like to wear simple Bichiya then choose floral design in it. In this, you can get bedsheets of different designs ranging from just one flower to small flowers. This will make your feet look very lovely. This Bichhiya design is perfect for daily wear. To make your feet beautiful, do not forget to apply light colored nail paint. Floral nettle goes well with most traditional dresses.

Bichiya Designs: This design of Bichiya is very much in discussion these days. If someone in your family member is getting married then you can also gift this design of Bichiya to them. Wearing this design of Bichiya will make your feet feel better. The beauty will be enhanced.

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Bichiya Designs: Wear some simple designs of this stone Bichiya which will give you a comfortable look when worn and you can wear it comfortably. The stone Bichiya looks very beautiful. According to Indian culture, it is used by married ladies. It is mandatory to wear anklets on the feet.

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