Photo: Uproar in Haiti demanding Prime Minister’s resignation, protests across the country… transport service halted

Port au Prince (Haiti). During protests in Haiti demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry, protesters clashed with police and there was a shutdown in many major cities. Banks, schools and government offices remained closed in northern and southern parts of Haiti, according to local media reports. Protestors blocked main roads with tire traps, causing public transport services to come to a standstill.

Protesters in the town of Hinchey in Haiti’s central region welcomed heavily armed state environment department personnel and their commander Joseph Jean Baptiste as they arrived. They demanded Henry’s resignation. “I want Ariel to stand in front of my bullets and we all want to walk over his dead body,” the commander said in a video. ,

“We have the support of the majority of the population,” he said. Workers in the state’s environmental department have come under government scrutiny after recent clashes with police in northern Haiti. These personnel belong to the security brigade formed for protected areas. Similar protests took place in the capital Port au Prince. A large number of protesters gathered in front of Henry’s office. The police even fired tear gas shells to disperse the crowd. The protesters also included presidential candidate and former Prime Minister Claude Joseph, who said in a video that “we will not stop.”

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