The story behind three Finance Ministers of the country not being able to give the budget speech in the Parliament is interesting.

The story behind three Finance Ministers of the country not being able to give the budget speech in the Parliament is interesting.

Budget 2024: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the budget today. This is the sixth budget of his tenure. But there have been three Finance Ministers of the country who could not present the budget during their tenure. Besides, there were different and interesting reasons behind the non-presentation of all three budgets.

KC Niyogi – Finance Minister for 35 days

The country’s former Finance Minister Kshitish Chandra Niyogi remained the Finance Minister, but could not present the general budget of the country. In the year 1948, he remained Finance Minister for only 35 days. He is R.K. Are. Sammukham replaced Chetty, but resigned after 35 days. During this period he did not get a chance to present the budget. He is known as the second Finance Minister of independent India.

Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna

Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna (H N Bahuguna) took over as Finance Minister but he also did not get a chance to present the budget. Plurality status KC This was similar to Niyogi, as his tenure was only five and a half months. Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna became the Finance Minister in the government of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1979, but the budget could not be presented even during his tenure.

Narayan Dutt Tiwari

ND Tiwari also held the charge of Foreign Minister and then Finance Minister in the Rajiv Gandhi government. In 1987, ND Tiwari became Finance Minister in Rajiv Gandhi’s government. His tenure as Finance Minister lasted for about a year from 25 July 1987 to 25 June 1988. However, he did not get this chance as Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi presented the budget that year. He has the record of becoming the Chief Minister of two states. He has been the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh thrice and Uttarakhand once. ND Tiwari, who became MLA for the first time in 1952, had a very long political career. ND Tiwari held almost every major post except Prime Minister. He was also an MLA, MP, Chief Minister, Union Minister and Governor of Andhra Pradesh.

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