Swelling in eyes and feet is a symptom of kidney failure, keep your kidneys healthy with these things.

Swelling in eyes and feet is a symptom of kidney failure, keep your kidneys healthy with these things.

New Delhi: Kidney Health: Kidney is a very important organ of our body. Ignoring even a small problem can cause kidney damage. However, kidney related problems are not detected so quickly. Therefore, it is important to know about its symptoms, so that you can identify it in time. Well, there are some habits by adopting which you can stay away from kidney problems. Let us know about them.

To keep kidneys healthy, 3 to 3.5 liters of fluid should be consumed daily. It is not necessary to drink only water but you can also take other liquids like coconut water, fruit juice, milk, lemon water or green tea. If you are on dialysis, consult your doctor about how much water is right for you.

Water intake is slightly less in winter, but still try your best to drink 7 to 8 glasses of water.

If the kidneys are healthy, then on average one and a half to two liters of urine comes out from the body every day.

If there is any kind of defect in the kidneys, the filtration process gets disrupted. The effect of which is visible in the form of swelling around the eyes and in the legs, so if you see swelling in these places, do not delay in consulting a doctor.

These symptoms are seen in the body if there is a kidney related problem.

– loss of appetite

– rapid weight loss

– Swelling under the eyes, hands and feet

-blood loss

– blood in urine

– Dry skin and itching

– frequent urination

– foaming in urine

If you are a patient of diabetes and high BP, then take special care of your kidneys. Get KFT done every 6 months.

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